This hospital is proof that the architecture can aid in the

Is it even possible that architecture can function as a kind of therapy?
Some practitioners believe that there is a special connection between projected areas and human motor skills, senses, feelings and behaviors. Far from traditional medicine, architecture can help positively in the treatment of physical and psychological illnesses. In several contemporary projects one can already see the concern to adapt spaces to the needs that arise in the face of deficiencies or of the corporal aging, prolonging the autonomy of the individuals, improving their quality of life and even slowing the progression of diseases.
Living well therapy

Stimulate life through the environments in which you live!
There are techniques of environmental analysis that deal precisely with the harmonization of the home, in the sense of transforming buildings so that their users can live better. Change architecture, decoration and landscaping to raise self-esteem, for example. This is seen mainly in Eastern cultures, such as Chinese and Indian, which study the relationship of people to the spaces they occupy. Feng Shui, for example, preaches the stimulus of energies within a building, through the manipulation of the elements as a way of attracting to the environment the healthy vibrations of nature.
Small attitudes in everyday life can help improve the quality of housing. There is no doubt that a well-kept, clean and organized home will bring more benefits to the lives of its residents. This is because a building is not made only of bricks, but also of experiences. And the therapeutic architecture must provide the most intelligent solutions to take advantage of the spaces, in order to interact with its users, stimulating the good feelings, the positive thoughts and giving them the best experiences.
Maggie's Centers for Cancer Treatment

The renowned Foster + Partners office has most recently designed a new facility for Maggie's - a cancer treatment facility - in the city of Manchester, UK. The goal was to create a building that would provide patients with a better physical and psychological feel through architecture. And, certainly, this project went well beyond the conventional health-oriented proposals that usually have higher, more closed volumes, simple line and sober colors.
"I had cancer and I know how important this type of treatment is. Our goal was to create a welcoming, friendly building without any hospital reference. A space full of light, with vegetation, where people can meet, talk or just reflect. "- Lord Foster, president and founder of Foster + Partners.
